writing essay

Question description

No outside resources needed, only use the readings that I provided. Topic would be gained from readings, about Anthropocene. Need 2 citation, one direct quote. Total 4 pages. There is one sample essay, it’s helpful, please follow that format. Need one enthymeme, example in the sample essay first paragraph last sentence. . Need this essay is about Question at Issue, explanation attached in file.


Write an essay that responds to a question at issue of your own invention (meaning you came up with it) on some topic of your choice regarding the Anthropocene directly. (The Q@I doesn’t need to use the word Anthropocene itself, and could be on some essential aspect of the Anthropocene such as climate change or changing relationships between human society and non-human nature.) It may be tempting to ask a broad question (such as about technology, society, humanity, and so on), but remember that the narrower and more focused your Q@I is, the more manageable and probably more interesting your essay will be.

In the essay, introduce your topic and question at issue in the first paragraph (the introduction). Your essay’s enthymeme must appear in bold in your paper. The end of the first, introductory paragraph is almost always an appropriate place to put it. Use your enthymeme to develop your essay. Use evidence and reasoning to support your argument. I encourage you to make the essay’s structure follow the enthymeme’s line of reasoning and make the essay’s content meet the enthymeme’s burden of proof. This evidence may come from (but isn’t limited to) your own experience and knowledge or class readings and/or discussions. You will probably want to include your own definition of the Anthropocene as part of this.

You must include ALL your sources, with correct citations, including non-written ones (like an advertisement). Use the formatting guidelines in the syllabus. Use the Purdue OWL website for information on grammar, language usage, and citations. As this is not a research essay, you should not need to do any research outside of what we have discussed in class. No research or sources outside what we’ve covered in class are allowed. One exception is that you may read other articles in the Exploring the Anthropocene casebook on Canvas. This may mean you have to be general rather than specific in your evidence, but that’s fine.


An Essay that is complete will do the following:

  • Respond to an original question at issue of your choice and formulation that has to do with the Anthropocene.
  • Include an enthymeme that is used to develop the essay (not judged on “quality”)
  • Include Introduction and Conclusion
  • Include at least two citations of others’ work (from two different sources), integrating those sources into your essay
  • Include at least one quotation from our course readings in a body paragraph
  • Address other voices/perspectives on your topic (at least one) that differ from yours, which may be as a counterargument to your own argument, and need not be from another source
  • Cite all sources and includes a Works Cited section (need not be a separate page)
  • Include no outside research
  • Be no more than 4 full pages in length, unless doing the Expanded Evidence Advanced Labor

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