The Internet is a network of networks. A software, VisualRoute enables you to see the route/path that your message from your computer (source) to its destination. In this activity, you will use the demo copy of this software. This free download has both Windows and Mac versions. You will download the free 15-day trial to complete this activity; you may uninstall Visual Route after this activity.
1. Go to visualroute website and Download the free 15-day trial. There is the ALL Editions and the Lite Edition.
2. Click the Download link. A message box will appear – Would you like to save the file? Click YES.
3. A SETUP icon will appear on your desktop; the icon looks like a floppy disk. Double-click this icon.
4. A License Agreement box will appear. Click AGREE.
5, An Install VisualRoute box will appear. Click Install Now.
5. When installation completes, you will see an icon (looks like a blue world) on your desktop . If not click Start > VisualRoute 2010.
6. Click the VisualRoute 2010 icon. This will launch the software. You will a screen with a yellow box showing you where to type an Address. Take a snap shot of this screen.
7. In the Address box, type www.ox.ac.uk. Click Trace. Watch the software track the route from your computer to University of Oxford. This may take a few minutes.
8. You will see three panels: (1) the Target Information [top], (2) Traceroute with a map [middle] and (3) Traceroute with IP addresses [bottom]. Read the information in all three panels. Your display output should be similar to Figure 10-9, p. 293. Take a snap shots of this screen.
9. Create a new WORD document and paste your two screen captures for steps #6 and #8 in this document. Write a short essay (3 – 4 paragraphs) describing your project results and explain the contents of your screen captures. Your essay should include the answers to these questions:
- Did you have any packet loss?
- What server is running?
- How many hops are there from your computer to University of Oxford?
- What is University of Oxford’s IP address?
10. Upload your WORD document to Blackboard.