Vacation Resort

Given the data file, you will be asked to run SPSS analysis. For a number of the questions in this exercise you are required to run the SPSS analysis, interpret the result and report the results. These should be formatted as you would present them in a marketing research report. Details on how to structure a report are available on AUTonline.

A market researcher is interested in vacation resort factors and overall satisfaction for a vacation resort from the regular travellers. Participants in this study evaluated the current satisfaction regarding 7 different attributes along a 7-point scale (1= not at all satisfactory, 7 = very satisfactory). In addition, they also evaluated the overall attitude toward the vacation resort along three 7-point scales (1= not at all good/very negative/very excellent, 7 = very good/very positive/not at all excellent).

** These should be formatted as you would present them in an academic research report (provide hypotheses for each analysis if necessary).

Part A (20 points)

1. Please check the correlation and reliability of the three measurement for the overall attitude toward the vacation resort (10 points). [Based on the result, please make new variable of ‘the overall attitude toward the vacation resort by calculating the mean for the further analysis]

2. Please compare the overall attitude toward the vacation resort among the three groups regarding family size (please use Tukey for post-hoc analysis). Comment on any statistically significant difference among groups. (10 points)

Part B (20 points)

3. Please conduct the regression analysis below and interpret/report the results. (including checking multi-collinearity problem). [15 points]

Please provide a strategic guide based on the regression analysis. [5 points]

Regression analysis

DV: Overall attitude

IVs: Items for evaluation of 7 attributes + age

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