Toxic Relationships

(10 pages)Toxic relationships: when is a friendship a problem (using Aristotle, Care ethics, and Buddhist ethics)

Mechanics and formatting: Papers should be approximately 8-10 pages (roughly 2000 – 2500 words). They should be 12 pt. font, and double-spaced with standard 1 inch margins.

For citation, include the author name and page number in parentheses. Full bibliographical information following MLA style should be included in either a footnote or a Works Cited section at the end.

choose to do an in-depth analysis of a single ethical theory in relation to a topic, problem, or question. How does that theory give us tools for thinking about this question or problem? What are its benefits or limitations? What questions does it help us answer and which does it leave open?

As a minimum requirement, you must include at least 4 additional sources to assigned class readings. At least one of these should be further reading in the ethical theory or theories you are focusing on.

This will be considered in the grading of this paper:

-Relevance of topic and ethical theories. Have you chosen a topic and theories that make sense in relation to one another? Is there a theory that might have been more helpful? Have you fully explained why the issue is ethical and what its ethical questions are?

-Clarity of writing style: Do you use clear and grammatically correct sentences? Are abstract ideas adequately explained? Do you provide clear and logical transitions between different ideas to show how they relate?

-Clarity of thesis: Is there a clearly stated and well defended thesis?

-Organization of paper: Is there a coherent order to the paper? Does it follow a clearly articulated over-all thesis? Do paragraphs have logical transitions between each other?

-Depth of thought and reasoning: Does your basic argument make sense? Have you thought deeply about the ideas and topics, both critically and reflectively? Have you considered possible criticisms and implications? Do you respond to possible objections or counter-arguments?

-Research: have you authentically engaged in learning more about the theory and topic in question. Do you have at least four additional sources? Are your citations in correct MLA style?

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