Top Executives

Question 1 

Discuss the differences in developing employees for their current job versus for a future job and include an explanation of how the needs analysis differs. 

Question 2 

Succession planning for top executives is very time consuming and expensive to initiate, so many organizations do not have one in place. Also, it is suggested that all the time preparing excellent candidates only results in them leaving the organization if they are not selected for the promotion, which means you helped groom an executive for your competition. Explain why, even given the above, it is a good idea to have such a program in place.

Question 3 

Describe how the model of training processes serves as a problem solving tool. Include a brief explanation of each of the five phases. 


Describe an application of business calculus you see in sales daily work. What is the situation in which calculus could be applied and what is your estimate of the function you would use?

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