Respond to the (A) Financial Metrics discussion board question as well as two other discussion questions (B, C, D, E, and/or F).
A. Financial Metrics – Arrange to spend 6 hours working with your nursing leadership and identify which financial metrics are being monitored on a balanced scorecard. Why has your organization identified these metrics to monitor? As a nurse leader, is there a metric that you would add to the balanced score card that is not currently being monitored? Discuss this metric and provide your rationale for including it. Discuss which types of cost are outside of the nurse leader’s control compared to those costs that the nurse leader can control. How well is the organization performing financially? What strategic investments has the organization made? Discuss whether the organization has realized a positive or negative return on investment (2 pages (600 words)).
B. Reflect on your organization’s mission, vision, values, and goals. Provide examples of how individual employees, departments, and work units support all four of these as a foundation for directional strategies. Please include your organization’s mission, vision, values, and goals statements.
C. Complexity is defined by Taylor and Pinczuk (2015) as dynamic, interactive, non-linear systems that adapt to changing environments. Complexity occurs when many different inter-connected agents interact at all levels to affect each other. Complexity has a self-organizing structure that is spontaneous, adapts, and is flexible. Complexity finds order within seemingly random complexities. In an environment of complexity, actions are reciprocal. Discuss the statement, “In the midst of change, there are some constants.” Four constant changes exist: 1. Change is constant; 2. Compressed time; 3. We are all different and very complex; and 4. Duality. Discuss these 4 constants, Select 2 other constants and discuss how they relate to your current work environment (300 words).
D. Discuss how chaos and complexity theories could be used in your healthcare organization to affect change. Provide specific examples. Analyze the statement: “Chaos often breeds life, when order breeds habit.”
E. Compare and contrast the following leadership theories: 1. Quantum Leadership, 2. Authentic Leadership, 3. Servant Leadership, 4. Transformational Leadership. What leadership theory best describes your leadership style? Explain. Provide specific examples (300 words).
F. Discuss the characteristics of a nurse entrepreneur. Identify three types of businesses in which nurses often get involved. What nursing knowledge and skillsets do you believe are transferrable from your education and experience that might lend to your entrepreneurial pursuits? Support your response with at least two published resources or professional organizations/associations.