Target Individual Customer


Take the following information and compute the Tukey’s HSD that would be used for a post-hoc comparison. Assume an alpha α = .01.
Source SS df MS F
Between 32
10.67 F = 14.23
Within 12
16 0.75
Total 44 19

What is the “q” from “The Studentized Range Statistic” table that would be used in the computation?

What is the HSD computed from this scenario?


When would a researcher use ANOVA for data analysis? Please provide an example?


The prices of Rawlston, Inc. stock (y) over a   period of 12 days, the number of shares (in 100s) of   company’s stocks sold (x1), and the volume of exchange   (in millions) on the New York Stock   Exchange (x2) are shown below.       Day (y) (x1) (x2)   1 87.5 950 11   2 86 945 11.25   3 84 940 11.75   4 83 930 11.75   5 84.5 935 12   6 84 935 13   7 82 932 13.25   8 80 938 14.5   9 78.5 925 15   10 79 900 16.5   11 77 875 17   12 77.5 870 17.5       a. Develop an estimated regression equation for this   complete data set.   b. At α= 0.05, is the equation significant? Why? Please   explain in detail   c. Does the equation seem to have a good “fit”? Why?   Please explain in detail   d. Are all variables significant? If not, which are not   significant and explain why they are not   significant.   

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