Strategic Branding Decisions

  1. Brand Culture Analysis. Using information from the Black & Decker (B&D) case study, describe Black and Decker’s brand culture in the Professional –Tradesman segment of the power tools market, at the time of the case. In your answer, use specific information from the case to explain how (a) the company, (b) influencers, and (c) customers have influenced the Black & Decker’s brand in this segment.


  • The “Brands and Branding” article by Douglas Holt defines brand culture as “the meanings that become conventional, widely accepted “truths” about the product/brand.” Use this definition of brand culture to complete this task.
  • The “Brands and Branding” article discusses the “Four Authors” of a brand culture, in this task you should cite specific information from the B&D case to show how the 3 specific “authors” (the company, influencers, and customers) have influenced the brand culture.
  • Do not use or cite information about the current brand culture for B&D. Focus on analyzing the brand at based on information provided in the case.
  • Customer-Based Brand Equity Analysis – Using information from the Black & Decker (B&D) case study, answer these three questions related to Black & Decker’s (B&D) customer-based brand equity.
    • What specific performance and imagery characteristics of the Black and Decker brand influence what the brand means to consumers in the Professional–Tradesman segment? Identify at least 1 specific performance characteristic and at least 1 specific imagery characteristic and briefly explain how each impacts the brand’s meaning in this segment of customers.
  • How do consumers’ respond to Black and Decker in the Professional –Tradesman segment of the power tools market? In your answer, identify specific information regarding customers’ judgements and feelings presented in the case.
  • Does the Black and Decker brand have a positive or negative brand resonance with consumers in the Professional – Tradesman segment? Provide specific information and data from the case to support your answer.


  • The “Building Customer-Based Brand Equity” article by Kevin Keller defines the underlined terms in parts a, b, and c of this question. Your answer in each part should be consistent with these explanations, but the answer does not necessarily have to incorporate all information from the article. For example, in part b, your answer should clearly cover judgements and feelings, but you may mention only 1 specific judgement and only 1 specific feeling about B&D in your answer (the article provides multiple types of judgements and feelings).
  • Strategic Brand Management Recommendation: Which of the 3 options (presented at the end of the case) would you recommend, and why would you recommend this option? As you explain your recommendation, be sure to use specific information from your analysis in questions 1 & 2 and other information from the case to support your answer


  • Your answer should only use information from the case. Do not incorporate information about social media or recent information about Black & Decker in your answer.

Formatting Guidelines.

  • Please provide all of your answers in Word or a program that easily be opened using Word.
  • Please include the respective number and question before each of your responses. For each question, please also include the corresponding letter for each part of your answer (i.e., 2A, 2B).
  • You may use bullet points, graphs, figures, tables, etc. to communicate your response.
  • There is no page limit or specified minimum. Of course, submitted work should clearly validate that the appropriate assigned material was read and is being applied correctly in each answer.
  • If you quote or borrow from other people’s work you should cite the original source. You may use any citation format you prefer to cite sources in your work.

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