Social Inequity in Health Care: The Menace

Social inequity is experienced in the unfair treatment of members of society based on their social economic class. The rich tend to receive better health care than the poor or disadvantaged. Statistics in the US show that between the mid-1960s and 1980s, there was a fair number of health inequities which later increased after 1980 as social economic classes started to develop. Matters such as unstable housing and lack of timely health care experienced by the poor are some of the major signs of social inequity which result in poor health in the affected people. This essay will focus on the effect of social classes in achieving proper health care and quality of life.

Social inequity is experienced in the unfair treatment of members of society based on their social economic class.

Firstly, inadequate access to health care is one of issues causing a disparity in health care.  The inaccessibility of healthcare and the benefits it brings by relieving pain and human suffering will cause a negative effect to other human activities. Economic inaccessibility is experienced where the need to pay for health services by socially disadvantaged groups has led to an increase in poverty and calls for immediate action by the health sector. Cultural access to health care occurs where issues such as language barrier, like in immigrants, comes up among professional health workers and less educated patients. Healthcare providers may not identify with their day-to-day hardships and accord the required respect they need as compared to patients from a higher social ladder.

Secondly, the social gradient phenomenon has affected healthcare such that education, type of job and level of income determines the type of healthcare one gets and that of their children. Poor mothers will tend to have late access to prenatal care leading to higher child mortality rates or stressed children as compared to mothers with a better income.

In addition, residing in an environment where there is a quick gateway to unhealthy foods such as fast food joints and liquor stores will lead to conditions such as obesity. Besides, neighborhoods designed with amenities for physical exercise or with institutions strategically placed such that one can walk encourage physical exercise.

In conclusion, social inequity plays a big role in the delivery of healthcare with people high up in the social ladder getting better healthcare as opposed to poor people. Healthcare directly affects people’s performance in relation to economic activities and growth of new generations.

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