Sexual Imagery


For this discussion assignment:

  1. Identify and explain an example of “culture shock” either from your own experience or from a movie or book.
  2. Explain how your personal assumptions were challenged.
  3. Discuss what you learned about your own beliefs and if your beliefs were changed in any way.
  4. As appropriate, cite the online course, the textbook, and other credible, scholarly sources to substantiate the points you are making.
  5. Apply APA standards for writing and citations to your work.


Marketers are always faced with a balancing act of quality versus quantity. It becomes a balancing act, because you unquestionably need both to accomplish content marketing success. But time, budget constraints, staffing shortages, and a host of other aspects prevent both quality and quantity from working together on a regular basis. When it comes to health care marketing, which is better:

  • “Less is more” – Reduce volume of marketing content, minimize production costs, and focus on subjective quality at the expense of quantity?
  • “More is more” – Provide robust marketing content at a rapid pace, increased production cost, and focus on information quantity at the expense of low quality?

Are there instances where either of the scenarios would be suitable to use? What are the repercussions of each? So, when you have to choose sides, which do you choose?

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