Question description
Provided Documents and Files
Earth The Operator’s Manual – (Website Link)
Class Lecture On Climate And Climate Change – (PowerPoint Download)
Assignment A
1. How do we know that the burning of fossils fuels is causing the rise in CO2, and not natural sources like volcanoes or steam vents? 2. What are the benefits discussed in the video that prompted the military to try and reduces its dependence on fossil fuels? 3.What other sources of energy are discussed as alternatives to fossil fuels?
Assignment B
Climate and climate change
After watching Earth the Operator’s Manual, please discuss how you think climate change will impact you and your family. Remember that we live in a Mediterranean climate, with limited rainfall (and we have to import most of our water).What do you think the greatest impact of climate change will be for us in California? What are your greatest concerns? What are some effective things that we as a society can do to adapt to or mitigate climate change? What are some things that you and your family can do?
Instructor’s post:
I have no doubt that climate change is occurring. In the video Richard Alley clearly outlines the types of evidence, and we have seen many types of change recently, such as more frequent storms in the US and warmer temperatures in Southern CA. What is uncertain for me is exactly how things are going to proceed (and how fast). How will our water usage be impacted by increasing temperatures, and will it be more difficult to obtain if there are water shortages in the areas we import from? How much will our “heat waves” increase in duration? My native plants in the yard have been suffering these past few weeks. I think I am concerned most by two things: 1. the unpredictability of outcomes and 2. our response to changes at a societal level. Many politicians argue that climate change does not exist. I am happier about technological advances that are being made (Tesla, solar power, wind power etc.). The video outlines how the military is implementing strategies that we can all eventually benefit from, such as the use of sophisticated portable solar lighting panels. Also the increased use of alternative energy sources such as wind and solar power is a positive change in California. At a personal level I was camping recently and several people had those lightweight solar lanterns that worked really well. We as humans can be very adaptable and good at finding solutions to problems. I try to be hopeful and not worry about the world our children are inheriting.