Sales Techniques

The business is a commercial cleaning company

Step 2: Executive Summary (not to exceed two pages)

  1. Company name, address, phone numbers
  2. Name (s), addresses of key people
  3. Brief description of the business, its products and services, the customer problem they solve, and the company’s competitive advantage.
  4. Brief overview of the market for your product or service
  5. Brief overview of the strategies that will make your company a success
  6. Brief description of the managerial and technical experience of the key players in the company
  7. Brief statement of the financial request and how the money will be used.
  8. Charts or tables of showing financial highlights

Step 8: Marketing Strategy

  1. Target Market
  1. Problem to be solved or benefit to be offered
  2. Demographic Profile
  3. Other significant customer characteristics
  1. Customer Motivation to buy
  2. Market size and trends
  1. How large is the market?
  2. Is it growing or shrinking? How fast?
  1. Sales force, size, and description of team
  2. Advertising and Promotion (media used, costs, frequency, publicity plans)
  3. Pricing
  1. Cost structure (fixed or variable)
  2. Desired image in the market
  3. Comparison against competitors prices
  4. Discounts
  5. Gross profit margin
  1. Distribution strategy (channels, sales techniques)

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