Risk Migration Plan


In the previous assignments, you:

  • Observed opportunities to use technology/informatics to make practice changes.
  • Reviewed organization or provider-type performance.
  • Identified real or potential risks associated with the technology/informatics-driven practice change.

In this assignment, you will use your SAFER Guides findings and resources to create a risk mitigation plan. You will complete this assignment using the Risk Mitigation Plan Template [DOCX].

If you are not familiar with risk mitigation planning, the What Is a Risk Matrix? | Effective Risk Assessments [Video] may help you get started.


For this assignment:

  • Use the table in the Risk Mitigation Plan Template [DOCX] to list the risks identified by the SAFER Guides, the potential occurrence of the risk (frequent, sometimes, never), the potential for harm [(patient or organization) (severe, mild, none)].
    • Additionally, state what action will be taken to reduce the occurrence and/or severity of the risk and identify the resultant change in occurrence and/or severity.
  • Write a 2–4 page report (below the table in the template) that addresses any ethical or legal issues that could arise from not addressing the identified risks, justify your proposed actions to address the identified risks, and identify change management strategies that could help others implement the proposed actions in their practice.

Overall, your assignment will be assessed based on the following criteria:

  • Complete all sections of the risk management plan table.
  • Explain any ethical or legal issues that could result from not addressing identified risks.
    • Think about not only what the potential ethical or legal issues, but also the impact on patients, practitioners, and institutions that could result from them.
  • Justify proposed actions to address identified risks.
    • Make sure you support your justification with cited support from peer-reviewed literature or evidence-based practice.
  • Identify change management strategies that could help others implement the proposed actions in their practice.
    • Think about who would be implementing your proposed actions and their relevance to your chosen health care environment when selecting strategies.
  • Convey purpose in a well-organized text, incorporating appropriate evidence and tone in grammatically sound sentences.
  • Apply APA style and formatting to scholarly writing.

Additional Requirements

Your assignment should also meet the following requirements:

  • Length: A completed Risk Mitigation Plan Template [DOCX], plus a 2–4 double-spaced page APA-formatted paper and reference list.
  • References: 3–6 scholarly or professional resources, no more than five years old.
  • APA format: Submission should follow current APA style and formatting. Review the Evidence and APA section of the Writing Center for guidance.


Your work will be evaluated using this criteria.


Competencies Measured

By successfully completing this assignment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and scoring guide criteria:

  • Competency 1: Justify the use of technology, data, and change management to meet the needs of the health care industry.
    • Justify proposed actions to address identified risks. 
    • Identify change management strategies that could help others implement the proposed actions in their practice. 
  • Competency 2: Analyze the use technology and its effect within a health care organization.
    • Complete all sections of the risk management plan table. 
  • Competency 3: Evaluate and solve ethical and legal issues relating to health care technology.
    • Explain any ethical or legal issues that could result from not addressing identified risks. 
  • Competency 4: Address assignment purpose in a well-organized text, incorporating appropriate evidence and tone in grammatically sound sentences.
    • Convey purpose in a well-organized text, incorporating appropriate evidence and tone in grammatically sound sentences. 
    • Apply APA style and formatting to scholarly writing.


Change Management

  • Graamans, E., Aij, K., Vonk, A., & ten Have, W. (2020). Case study: Examining failure in change managementJournal of Organizational Change Management, 33(2), 319–330.
    • This case study aimed to shed light on what went wrong with the introduction of new surgical suture in a Dutch hospital operating theatre following a tender. Transition to working with new surgical suture was organized in accordance with legal and contractual provisions, and basic principles of change management were applied, but resistance from surgeons led to cancellation of supplies of the new suture.
  • Huang, C., Koppel, R., McGreevey, J. D., III., Craven, C. K., & Schreiber, R. (2020). Transitions from one electronic health record to another: Challenges, pitfalls, and recommendationsApplied Clinical Informatics, 11(5), 742–754. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7657707/
    • There is scant literature concerning EHR-to-EHR transitions. Identified challenges include financial burdens, personnel resources, patient safety threats from limited access to legacy records, data integrity during migration, cybersecurity, and semantic interoperability. Transition teams must overcome inadequate human infrastructure, technical challenges, security gaps, unrealistic providers’ expectations, workflow changes, and insufficient training and support—all factors affecting potential clinician burnout.
  • Obeidat, R., & Norcio, A. (2019). Nurses’ attitudes toward implementing disruptive change: Does change management matter?Journal of Informatics Nursing, 4(3), 14–20.
    • This research focused on examining organizational and individual readiness factors that may support developing nurses’ attitudes and behaviors for implementing disruptive technology. Regression modeling techniques were utilized. Results showed that the most significant factors included levels of perceived organizational readiness for change, perceived appropriateness of change, and demographic variables such as health care setting, highest educational level, and age.
  • Kotter. (n.d.). The 8-step process for leading change. https://www.kotterinc.com/8-step-process-for-leading-change/
    • This website presents Kotter’s eight steps for leading change. This will help you complete a portion of this week’s assignment.

Project and Risk Management

  • Girdler, A. (2020, October 21). Project risk management [Overview and guidelines] [Video] | Transcript. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rZGCZc2T9Rc
    • This video will teach you how to manage risk like a pro so that you’ll never again ask a question like “What is project risk management?.”
  • iHASCO. (2020, December 7). What is a risk matrix? | Effective risk assessments [Video] | Transcript. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CNVWVaJQcss
    • This video introduces a risk matrix and how it can be used to develop an action plan.
  • Lutkevich, B. (2021). Project scope. TechTarget. https://www.techtarget.com/searchcio/definition/project-scope
    • This resource defines project scope and offers some tips for creating a scope plan for a project.
  • Legal and Ethical Considerations of Health Care Technology.
    • This media will help you to think through legal and ethical consideration of implementing and using health care technology. This can help you check your understanding before you write this section of your assignment this wee


Risk Mitigation Plan Scoring Guide

Due Date: End of Week 8
Percentage of Course Grade: 20%.

Complete all sections of the risk management plan table.
Does not complete any sections of the risk management plan table.Completes some sections of the risk management plan table, or attempts to complete all sections, but some are done incorrectly.Completes all sections of the risk management plan table.Completes all sections of the risk management plan table. Provides realistic estimates and examples. 
Explain any ethical or legal issues that could result from not addressing identified risks.
Does not identify any ethical or legal issues that could result from not addressing identified risks.Identifies any ethical or legal issues that could result from not addressing identified risks.Explains any ethical or legal issues that could result from not addressing identified risks.Explains any ethical or legal issues that could result from not addressing identified risks. Notes the potential negative impacts that could result from not addressing these issues. 
Justify proposed actions to address identified risks.
Does not identify actions to address identified risks.Attempts justify proposed actions, but does not connect the actions to the identified risks or the connection is unclear.Justifies proposed actions to address identified risks.Justifies proposed actions to address identified risks with cited support from peer-reviewed literature or evidence-based practice. 
Identify change management strategies that could help others implement the proposed actions in their practice.
Does not identify change management strategies.Identifies change management strategies, but not within the context of how they could help others implement the proposed actions in their practice.Identifies change management strategies that could help others implement the proposed actions in their practice.Identifies change management strategies that could help others implement the proposed actions in their practice. Notes why these strategies are relevant to the chosen health care environment. 
Convey purpose in a well-organized text, incorporating appropriate evidence and tone in grammatically sound sentences.
Does not convey purpose in an appropriate tone and style, incorporating supporting evidence and adhering to organizational, professional, and writing scholarly standards.Conveys purpose in an appropriate tone or style. Clear, effective communication is inhibited by insufficient supporting evidence and/or minimal adherence to applicable writing standards.Conveys purpose in a well-organized text, incorporating appropriate evidence and tone in grammatically sound sentences.Conveys clear purpose, in a tone and style well suited to the intended audience. Supports assertions, arguments, and conclusions with relevant, credible, and convincing evidence. Exhibits strict and nearly flawless adherence to organizational, professional, and scholarly writing standards. 
Apply APA style and formatting to scholarly writing.
Does not apply APA style and formatting to scholarly writing.Applies APA style and formatting to scholarly writing incorrectly and/or inconsistently, detracting noticeably from good scholarship.Applies APA style and formatting to scholarly writing.Applies APA style and formatting to scholarly writing. Exhibits strict and nearly flawless adherence to stylistic conventions, document structure, and source attributions. 

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