Revenue Management

Project Description: 

• Interview a Hotel General Manager or Head of Revenue Management and find their revenue strategy for their property. 

• Explain in a 8‐9 page paper how the interviewee has come to make the decisions regarding the strategy (STAR reports, cold calling, internet searches) {5-6 pages will be of the Main Body, not the total length of the paper}. 

• Who is their direct competition? 

• How do they make decisions regarding pricing, overbooking, and closeouts? 

Your paper should go into detail about: 

• The value that the customer receives based on the price that they pay, and perceived benefit of staying in this property. 

• What is the Average Daily Rate (ADR) for the property, average occupancy %, the distribution channels that the property uses, and their market segmentation mix (Transient, group, and special contract and negotiated rates)? 

• What is the average Rack‐Rate for this property and the usual discount that is given in season, versus out‐of‐season? 

• You should also go into detail about the company, this information should be found on their website or in articles.

This paper must be in APA style. 

No plagiarism

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