renewable energy technologies for small scale power generation that are feasible in rural areas of Oman

Question description

In this assessment, the student is required to prepare and submit a magazine style report of 2000 words on renewable energy technologies for small scale power generation that are feasible in rural areas of Oman.

The magazine article should focus on the following points;

  • A brief introduction
  • Renewable Energy technologies
  • Advantages, Benefits of renewable technologies
  • Conclusion

References should be followed at the end of the article with Harvard system of referencing. An example of the Harvard system citation is appended below for reference. It is extremely important that students correctly reference all paraphrasing and direct quotations.

Marking Key

The course work will be assessed and graded on the following aspects and weightage is indicative to knowledge, critical analysis, proper sentence structuring, supporting materials, referencing and presentation of the overall piece of work.

  • Introduction
  • Renewable technologies
  • Renewable technologies for power generation
  • Recommendations
  • Conclusion
  • style of Report
  • References


  • You are advised to refer some sample magazines/books in the college library for an idea on the design and format of magazine articles.
  • You must refer to reliable academic literature sources to support your thoughts, ideas, recommendations etc. on the article.
  • Line spacing 1.5 with normal margins on all four sides of word document. The entire course (text, captions, pictures, photos) should be printed in black and white, while no additional marks will be allotted if submitted in colour.
  • Article text should be word processed, typed in A4 paper size in Times New Roman fonts with 12 point while captions should be sentence case.
  • Content headings should be Times New Roman font with 14 point, bold and capitalize each word.
  • The article should have a clear distinctive heading in conjunction to the text.

Note: Harvard style referencing and citations standards should be followed. It is extremely important that students correctly paraphrase all sources. Also mention the word count at the end of the report.

please put some pictures related to the renewable energy sources , this assignment is magazine style article

follow the marking criteria prepare the document accordingly.

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