Radiation Sources

Answer these questions below: 


Provide a definition and a brief explanation of each of the following meters, and detail how each meter might be used to evaluate physical hazards in the workplace: dynamometer, accelerometer, and goniometer.  Your answer must be a minimum of 75 words in length.


Summarize the three readings that are used for the wet bulb globe temperature (WBGT) evaluation of thermal stress in the workplace. Explain what each of the three measurements assesses about thermal stress, and discuss how the readings are evaluated using the two WBGT formulae.

Your answer must be a minimum of 75 words in length.


Describe the specific method you would use to evaluate a nurse’s exposure to x-ray radiation while performing diagnostic tests at a clinic. Explain how your method works, why you would choose that method, and the benefits and weaknesses of that method, including how your method will affect the accuracy and precision of the data.  Your answer must be a minimum of 75 words in length.


Briefly discuss the difficulties associated with the evaluation of non-ionizing radiation sources. Summarize the methods that can be used for the evaluation of non-ionizing radiation in the workplace. Include a statement as to which method you believe would be the most reliable for evaluating infrared radiation exposures, and discuss how your method can affect the accuracy and precision of your data.

Your answer must be a minimum of 75 words in length.

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