Pulmonary Disease


A mall has three department stores, J C Penney, Macy’s, and Sears. A survey of 1452 people exiting the mall found that 348 made a purchase at J C Penney, 280 made a purchase at Macy’s, 272 made a purchase at Sears, 82 made a purchase at J C Penney and Macy’s, 93 made a purchase at J C Penney and Sears, 52 of them made a purchase at Macy’s and Sears, and 14 of them made a purchase at all three stores. 

a) How many people made a purchase at Sears but did not make a purchase at Macy’s? 

b) How many people made a purchase at exactly one of the three stores?


Please write a care plan research paper (see attachment) in APA style format. Please discuss the following diseases: Anemia, COPD (chronic Obstructive Pulmonary disease), Hypertension, CHF (congestive heart failure).


 “Individuals and Change” Please respond to the following:

  • Search the Internet for a current news article that discusses changes made in an organization. Provide the link to the article for everyone to read. Assuming that you are the manager, how would you ensure that the changes are well received by your employees?  

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