Preaching Exegesis

The structure of these exegesis notes follows the way that the lectionary was structured, first selecting the gospel text, then an Older Testament reading usually related to the gospel text, then a psalm, and finally a New Testament letter that usually follows a continuous reading pattern.

A.  For each of the lectionary texts, use a scholarly biblical commentary approved by the Scripture faculty for each reading to provide you with two kinds of information:  1) contextual information about the community for whom the text was written;  2) the key insights or significant information (not a summary of all the information) about the text that may be helpful in preparing your preaching.

Gospel: __Matthew 24: 37-44____  Commentary:   that I gave it in the Files ________________

  1. Contextual information about the community addressed (give page number/s):
  • Significant information (give page number/s):

Older Testament reading:  Isaiah 2:1-5_ Commentary__that I gave it in the Files ________

  1. Contextual information about the community addressed (give page number/s):
  • Significant information (give page number/s):

Psalm:  _Psalms 122: 1-2,3-4,4-5,6-7,8-7_  Commentary _____ that I gave it in the Files _________

  1. Contextual information about the community addressed (give page number/s):
  • Significant information (give page number/s):

New Testament letter:  __Roman 13:11-14________  Commentary _____ that I gave it in the Files _________

  1. Contextual information about the community addressed (give page number/s):
  • Significant information (give page number/s):

B.  Turn to one of the recommended homiletic resources that includes exegetical comments on the readings (online or in print: see separate page) and give the full bibliographic information for that resource. Then state any thematic links among the Scriptural texts of the day that are given in the homiletic resource. Finally, state any additional key exegetical insights that you derive from that homiletic resource that may be helpful in preparing your preaching.

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