Permanent Disposal

Question 1

  • A large part of southern Nova Scotia is made up of granites (South Mountain Batholith) (375-380 million years old) exposed at surface. What plate tectonic and geological conditions were necessary to produce this large volume of granite? How could these rocks become exposed at surface? Why is the South Mountain Batholith considered to be a “Specialized Granite”? How did the Granite uranium vein type deposits form? What genetic relationship would the uranium occurrences in the granite have with the younger “uranium roll front deposits” in the Horton Group (Carboniferous, 355 million years old) sedimentary rocks? (Give references to support your answer). Value 33.33%.
  • A company has hired you to undertake an environmental radioactivity assessment on the area surrounding the town of Tatamagouche, Cumberland County, Nova Scotia (see map 1 from assignment 2). The company wants to build a large resort near the town along the Northumberland Strait. The company has hired you assess the radioactive environmental risks in the area. What are the risks? What kind of uranium enrichment has taken place in the rocks of the area? If the resort has to depend on drilled wells to provide water, what might be some of the problems they might encounter? Given that you must locate a site in this area, what procedures would you undertake to assess the risks and recommend a location? What are the remedial steps that you would recommend at the resort during construction or after it is built? (Give references where applicable) Value 33.33%.
  • You have been given the task to locate a high level nuclear waste disposal site somewhere in Canada. What would be the criteria for locating a site? How might you test the site before proceeding with construction? What about the social aspects of the disposal site selection, how could these be overcome? What kind of monitoring would have to be done on the site after it started operation to assure health and safety? How would this site compare to a disposal for low level radioactive material? Why has there not been a permanent disposal site in Canada before now? (Give references) Value 33.33%

Question 2

Go to the internet and find a credible resource of an organization that aids people with grieving and loss. In one page:

  • Describe the organization by name and the measures the organization uses to help people in grieving.
  • Explain why you picked this organization over others you may have viewed. How would you recommend and teach about this organization to an older person who has no computer knowledge or who has visual, hearing, and or cognitive deficits?
  • Your paper should be formatted with correct spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure. Please provide the web site information (name and copy the URL) at the bottom of your page.

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