Use the regression equation below for predicting graduate GPA for the three presented cases.
Y′ = -1.636 + 0.793(undergrad GPA) + 0.004(GREverbal) – 0.0009(GREquant)+0.009(Motivation)
Subjectundergrad GPAGREverbalGREquantMotivation
1 2.9 560 540 55
2 3.2 550 590 65
3 3.4 600 550 70
6.Using the following information for R2, k, and N, calculate the value of the F statistic for testing the overall regression equation and determine whether F is statistically significant at the 0.05 level:
a. R2 = 0.13, k = 5, N = 120
b. R2 = 0.53, k = 5, N = 30
c. R2 = 0.28, k = 4, N = 64
d. R2 = 0.14, k = 4, N = 64