Assignment OPTION #1 (two parts)
Task 1 Create an evaluation tool (checklist, rubric, etc.) that assesses the learning of developmental needs of children and adolescents that are present in an interactive online simulation or game chosen from World Rescue or Game the Goals . Upload a copy of your tool on Canvas under Assignments.
Your assessment tool (checklist, rubric, etc.) should evaluate how the game you select of the two offered connects the developmental needs of children and adolescents to the ways the player learns about the global development problems.
Then…once you have created and submitted your evaluation tool,
Task 2 Share your evaluation tool with a peer so he/she can use it to evaluate the gaming simulation, “World Rescue” which is an online narrative, research-based video-game inspired by the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. The game is set in Kenya, Norway, Brazil, India, and China, and participants engage in role play to solve global problems.
Task 2 Share your evaluation tool with a peer so he/she can use it to evaluate the game “Game the Goals” by assessing this online game that is designed to help raise awareness for the goals and to provide players with a range of ways in which they personally can help others active these goals.
NOTE: There are two products in assignment OPTION #1 that you will submit: 1) your evaluation tool (checklist, rubric, etc.)and 2) one of your completed uses of a peer’s tool to evaluate the online simulation.