Nursing Care

Select and read one of the chapters of particular interest to you listed in Assignments under Readings;
discuss what information you should obtain to develop and implement culturally appropriate plans of care for an individual of this group; and
share a brief case study or exemplar as a way to share your formation.

Childbearing: A young Hasidic mom just emigrated from Israel to the United States. She is at term and comes to your Mother/Baby Unit for delivery.

Children: Oman is 5 years old. His family members are refugees from Syria. At the local community center a routine blood sugar test indicated his results were very high. He now needs hospitalized for control.

Adult: Luca moved to the United States after earning her BSN in Manila, Philippines. She works three jobs so that she can send money home to her family. She needs a treatment for breast cancer, but taking time off from any of the jobs will create a hardship on her local and extended family at home.

Older Adult: KC is 72 years old and came to the United States many years ago from Ghana. He is divorced, his children do not live in the area, and you often see him at the senior citizen’s center where you volunteer. He has uncontrolled hypertension.

Mental Health: Arkady was born in the former Soviet Union. He has battled depression most of his adult life and has been hospitalized again in the mental health facility 30 miles from his family for a suicide attempt. Although he has health insurance, the benefits for his diagnosis are about to expire.

Book: Andrews, M. M., & Boyle, J. S. (2016). Transcultural concepts in nursing care (7th ed.). Philadelphia: PA. Wolters Kluwer.

Select one of the following chapters to read based on your area of interest.

Chapter 5: Transcultural Perspectives in Childbearing
Chapter 6: Transcultural Perspectives in the Nursing Care of Children
Chapter 7: Transcultural Perspectives in the Nursing Care of Adults
Chapter 8: Transcultural Perspectives in the Nursing Care of Older Adults
Chapter 10: Transcultural Perspectives in Mental Health Nursing

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