Nurse Practitioners

I chose the 2023 Arkansas Nurse Practitioner Association Annual Conference as the conference that I would like to attend and present my poster. This conference is a great opportunity for nurse practitioners to share knowledge and expertise with other nurse practitioners. The conference title is “Nurse Practitioners- The Natural Choice” it will be held at the Hot Springs Convention Center, Hot Springs, Arkansas on April 21 & 22, 2023. However, this year I am late as the deadline for abstracts was November 18, 2022. Abstracts can focus on primary care, acute care, pediatrics, mental health, older adults, and practice issues. My current project on opioid misuse and referral for treatment would be an excellent topic for this conference.

Part 2 Case Study

        1.     State your practice question in PICOT format and include the week # for your implementation

For adult patients, 18 years and older with chronic pain in a primary care clinic, what is the impact of using the Screener and Opioid Assessment for Patients with Pain- Revised SOAPP®R tool compared to current practice on the identification and referral to treatment in 8 weeks?

2.     Examine best practices for implementing evidence-based practice guidelines with references sufficient to support best practices.

The best practice for implementing EBP guidelines is to take a comprehensive approach. This should include the evaluation of existing practices, identifying best practices, and incorporating them into practice to provide optimal outcomes. This can be done by educating and training staff on EBP guidelines. This will ensure that the staff can effectively apply them in patient care. Developing policies and procedures for implementing EBP guidelines will also ensure that everyone involved is following the same standard of care (Natesan et al., 2020).

Monitoring and tracking outcomes to evaluate the effectiveness of the EBP guidelines will identify areas where additional resources and changes may be necessary. And creating a culture of continuous improvement will ensure that EBP guidelines are being applied consistently and effectively (Novak et al., 2019).

3.     Propose strategies for overcoming barriers in implementing evidence-based practice with references sufficient to support strategies.

Educating and training staff is important to the implementation of a project. This will include providing training on how to search for and evaluate evidence, as well as how to use the information in clinical practice. Providing educational opportunities, such as seminars can help facilitate the implementation process. When putting evidence-based practice or recommendations into effect, it is essential to provide feedback to staff members on how they are performing. This feedback should be offered to team members regularly, and it should cover both areas in which they may improve and areas in which they are performing very well. Not only should this feedback be utilized to assist in ensuring that team members are adhering to evidence-based practice or recommendations, but it should also be used as a tool to assist staff members in continuously improving their skills and performance (Tucker et al., 2020).

4.     Analyze your formative evaluations. How are you addressing challenges and providing feedback?

Measuring outcomes of the implementation process is a way to evaluate effectiveness. This involves collecting data on the outcomes of interventions, such as patient outcomes, and cost-effectiveness, to determine if the intervention is successfulIt is necessary to monitor and keep track of the outcomes to conduct an efficient analysis of the evidence-based practice or guidelines. This should include performing routine data collection and analysis on patient outcomes and deciding whether adjustments need to be made to further improve patient care. In addition, it is essential to constantly evaluate the work of staff members and provide feedback to them to guarantee that they are continuously gaining new knowledge and becoming more adept at applying best practices (Costa et al., 2020).

5.     You find that the stakeholders need additional education at this point. How would you provide this education?

Engaging stakeholders and building consensus are essential for the successful implementation of EBP. It is important to involve stakeholders in the process to ensure that the changes are accepted and supported. This includes engaging patients, families, and community members in the decision-making process to ensure that their views and preferences are considered (Dawson, 2019; Malekinejad et al., 2018).

6.     What have you learned about your project and the implementation process during this 8-week course? Describe what you are learning. Are you learning what you expected, or is your experience different than anticipated?

Establishing a culture of continuous improvement is necessary if one wants to guarantee that evidence-based practices and recommendations are used dependably and efficiently. This should include the creation of a supportive environment that encourages staff members to take ownership of their work and look for new practices or guidelines that are based on evidence. In addition, it is essential to make sure that staff members have access to all the appropriate tools and resources that will enable them to keep abreast of the most recent evidence-based practices and guidelines and implement those practices and guidelines in their work. This process has had its challenges. The IRB process was intimidating. Overall, the experience has been great and informative. I plan to implement a project after the completion of the program. I did quite a bit of research into the DNP program before applying to the program. However, it did come with challenges that were to be expected.


Costa, L. L., Bingham, D., Storr, C. L., Hammersla, M., Martin, J., & Seckman, C. (2020). Development of a dnp measurement grid to increase the rigor of doctor of nursing practice students’ data collection and analysis methods. Journal of Professional Nursing36(6), 666–672.

Dawson, A. (2019). A practical guide to performance improvement: Beginning the process. AORN Journal109(3), 318–324.

Malekinejad, M., Horvath, H., Snyder, H., & Brindis, C. D. (2018). The discordance between evidence and health policy in the united states: The science of translational research and the critical role of diverse stakeholders. Health Research Policy and Systems16(1).

Natesan, S., Bailitz, J., King, A., Krzyzaniak, S., Kennedy, S., Kim, A., Byyny, R., & Gottlieb, M. (2020). Clinical teaching: An evidence-based guide to best practices from the council of emergency medicine residency directors. Western Journal of Emergency Medicine21(4).

Novak, M. D., DiGennaro Reed, F. D., Erath, T. G., Blackman, A. L., Ruby, S. A., & Pellegrino, A. J. (2019). Evidence-based performance management: Applying behavioral science to support practitioners. Perspectives on Behavior Science42(4), 955–972.

Tucker, S. J., Gallagher-Ford, L., & Jang, E. (2020). Ebp 2.0: Implementing and sustaining change: The evidence-based practice and research fellowship program. AJN, American Journal of Nursing120(2), 44–48.

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