Nuclear Fuel

Question 1

Enrichment of nuclear fuel:

a.increases the relative concentration of uranium-235 to only 3-5% to avoid any possibility of nuclear explosion at higher percentages

b.increases the relative concentration of uranium-235 to 30-50% to avoid a nuclear explosion at higher percentages

c.decreases the relative concentration of uranium-235 from 60% to only 3-5% to avoid a nuclear explosion at higher percentages

d.decreases the relative concentration of uranium-235 from 100% to 30-50% to avoid a nuclear explosion at higher percentages

Question 2

The actual fission reactions that release energy in a nuclear power plant are about:

a.two-thirds from uranium-235 and one-third from  uranium-239 from uranium-235 and two-thirds from  uranium-239

c.two-thirds from uranium-235 and one-third from  plutonium-239 from uranium-235 and two-thirds from  plutonium-239

Question 3

A self-amplifying reaction and a nuclear explosion in a nuclear power plant are prevented in large part by:

a.the regular addition of uranium-239 to the fuel

b.control rods that absorb extra neutrons

c.the production of plutonium-239

d.fuel rods that absorb tremendous amounts of heat

Question 4

Compared to a nuclear plant, a coal-fired plant:

a.releases more than 100 times more radioactivity because of radioactive elements in coal.

b.requires much less mining and results in fewer mining deaths.

c.contributes to acid rain, and a nuclear plant does not.

d.emits much less carbon dioxide.

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