New Equipments

Question 1

There are different types of funding (federal, state, local, etc), and funding is needed and used for many reasons, including program improvements, updates to comply with licensing requirements, and purchase of new equipment and materials.

Following is a scenario that can affect any center: You are the director of a year-round center that has 12 infants, 21 toddlers and 30 preschoolers. The local schools have shared that there is a need for after school and summer vacation care for school-age children. You are looking to expand your program and add 20 school-age children to collaborate with the community and schools. You need to find funding for this program expansion. Raising rates is not an option.

To complete this part of the assignment, address the following in a minimum of three (3) pages:

  • Who would you include on your team to propose funding from local sources? Aside from other ECE professionals and families, keep in mind that your team can consist of members of organizations, businesses, or local groups you might not normally think of including that supports your cause and can contribute in some way.
  • What tasks need to get done? Create a checklist of these tasks.
  • Who do you choose to do each task and why?
  • Acknowledging the diverse perspectives and skill sets of these people, explain how they can all work together to achieve this common goal of raising funds.
  • Explain how you would plan ahead to keep your plan on track in case a team member cannot fulfill his or her role/obligation.

Question 2

Ten Quick Ways to Analyze Children’s Books for Sexism and Racism” states: “[Y]oung children are exposed to racist and sexist attitudes . . . expressed over and over . . . [which] gradually distort their perceptions until stereotypes and myths about minorities and women are accepted as reality.” Do you agree with this quote? Why or why not? Explain.

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