Natural Land

Introduction: The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Global Forum on Environment on “Towards Quantifying the Links between Environment and Economic Growth” was held on 24-25 October 2016 at the OECD Conference Centre, Paris.

The objectives of the Global Forum were to provide a platform for policy experts, academics and government officials from OECD and developing countries to explore how a well-managed natural environment can contribute to economic growth and how such an effective and efficient regulatory system can be designed. The Forum was organized across three themes:

how economic growth affects the environment;

how environmental degradation affects economic growth; and

how environmental policies can help to make the most out of environmental protection and economic growth.

Instructions: Please respond to the questions below using the pdf file found on the Bb site for this assignment.

On page 63, there are two graphs. The graph on the left shows “Pollution-adjusted GDP growth”.  In general terms, explain why this value is lower than GDP growth.

On page 69 there are two graphs as well. Looking at the graph on the left, we see population exposure to outdoor particular matter (PM) that is greater than 2.5 micrograms per square meter. 

Which countries have had a significant decline in air quality in 2015 as compared with the 1998 values? 

What are some of the reasons why you think this might be?

On page 73, the graph on the right shows us the percent of natural land lost and also gained between the years 1992 to 2015. Which countries have had more than 6% of their natural land lost during this time period?

Read over the short section starting at the bottom of page 71 titled “Land cover, land use and biodiversity”. 

Why do you think land cover change is used as an indication of biodiversity loss?

What has been the global loss of natural land since 1992?

For developed countries (advanced economies) what type of land use was most natural land converted to? 

How does this differ for less-developed countries (emerging economies)?

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