Monster Energy Drink


Using the company Monster Beverage Corp. (Monster Energy Drinks), conduct a review of the firm’s Corporate Social Performance (CPS) using the dimensions addressed in the text. What stage of moral development would YOU say the current CEO of the company has reached and why? 


The ‘true’ values (and culture) of a company are usually a reflection of those [true] values demonstrated by top management which influence the policies and practices of the organizational members. Using the company Monster Beverage Corp. (Monster Energy Drinks), research a situation (event, practice, policy, etc.) encountered by the company where it could be considered unethical. Describe the perspectives of the situation of those involved (such as the company and customer, or vendor, or community, etc.)

What stage of moral development would you say the top management team (collectively) has reached and why?

Using the steps in the rational decision-making model how w/could the company managers justify their behavior?

How would you have handled the situation (proactively before and after the situation occurred)?

Be sure to place the link(s) of your research in your post and of course, don’t forget the APA requirement.

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