Money Calculations

Shelby  Johnson has a flair for grooming dogs and cats. She hopes to open her  own pet salon when she graduates from college. She is currently  completing her sophomore year in business while working at a local pet  store. Shelby has been living with a roommate (Melinda) in an apartment  near her work in order to reduce her living expenses. However, she  continually uses her credit card to make ends meet.

Her personal property consists of a 2005 car ($5,550) that gets great  gas mileage, a television set with a DVD player ($400), a digital  camera ($50), a laptop computer ($400), clothing ($300), and some  furnishings valued at $600 (bed, dresser, lamp, clock, couch) with a  total value of $7,300.

Shelby’s life situation: Single, Age 21, No dependents, College student

Shelby’s financial data: Monthly income $1,750; Living expenses  $1,210; Personal property $7,300; Savings $2,000; Student loan $3,000;  Credit card debt $2,400.

  1. Given her current situation, list various personal financial decisions that Shelby may be considering at this point in her life.
  2. Describe what short-term, intermediate and long-term goals Shelby  should develop using the “Setting Personal Financial Goals” sheet  located at the back of the text.
  3. What types of time value of money calculations would be helpful for Shelby?


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