Measurement Analysis

1. In using the Binomial, we are dealing with data that can only assume certain values, and there are usually “gaps: between the values. This type of data is called:
a. discrete
b. mutually exclusive
c. continuous
d. exhaustive
e. none of the above
2. the area of statistics which deals with estimating a population parameter based on a sample statistic is called:
a measurement analysis
b. descriptive stat
c. dispersion analysis
d. inferential stat
e. none of the above
3. which of the following most resembles a bar graph, in appearance?
a. frequency polygon
b. less-than-cumulative frequency distribution
c. greater-than cumulative frequency distribution
d. histogram
e. none of the above
4. if all of the values of a distribution are summed and the sum is divided by the number of values, the result is the:
a. variance
b. standard deviation
c. arithmetic mean
d. median
e. none of the above
5. Based on the empirical rule, what percent of the observations will lie below the point which is two standard deviation below the mean?
a. 95 percent
b. 5 percent
c. 68 percent
d. 2.5 percent
e. 32 percent

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