Mathematical Technique


 Discussion 1 

Game theory is a mathematical technique used to analyze the behavior of decision makers. Explain why economists use game theory. Give an example of a game theory that illustrates a case where individually rational behavior leads to a jointly inefficient outcome. Explain under what condition oligopoly firms may find themselves in a prisoner’s dilemma.(150-250 words)

 Discussion 2 

If you were going to send a colleague to India, what specific types cultural training would you recommend? .(150-250 words) 


Illness can lead to emotional instability and permanent or temporary physical disability. Patients might also experience reduced levels of independence and/or modifications of their roles in family and society. These changes may also have significant effects on family members and caregivers’ lifestyles and quality of life. Chronic exposure to stressors, such as medical treatments, side effects, complications, or hospital admissions, can deplete the internal and external coping resources of a patient and his or her family system.

Medical social workers confront the challenges posed by illness every day. In addressing these concerns, medical social workers focus attention on the impact of illness on patients and families. Through ongoing assessment, they consider how and if this impact might change with the progression of illness, whether positive or negative.


Post a description of three major emotional or psychological factors that influence both patients and their families. Then, explain patients’ and their families’ experiences in dealing with illness and associated disability. Explain one of these factors that might be challenging for a medical social worker to address. Then, explain strategies that a medical social worker might employ to address the factor.

Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the resources and the current literature using appropriate APA format and style.

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