Marketing Discussion

Assignment Overview

In this assignment, you will explore how you make purchase decisions. In addition, you’ll interview someone and explore their decision making processes. You’ll prepare a paper describing these purchase decision processes. You’ll also consider how internal and external factors are reflected in decision processes.


A document which is a maximum of three pages (or 800-words) describing the purchase decisions. Please double space your submission.

Step 1 Contemplate your decision process and find out more about someone else’s.First, think about your own purchasing decision process:

  • Picture yourself sitting in a chair with a cup of coffee (or tea, or whatever you fancy).
  • You are feeling smug and happy because you just bought a product that you have wanted for a long time.
  • Consider the decision process by which you came to make your purchase.
  • Consider factors such as when you first became aware of the product, what about the product interests you, how you compared the product to competing products, how they made your final decision, etc.

Next, interview a classmate, a friend, family member, or colleague about a recent purchase that they made.

  • You are encouraged to “buddy” up with someone in the class and find sometime when you can collaborate, either using online tools (e.g., Canvas Conferences, Skype) or phone.
  • You may choose a member of your family, a friend or coworker. In which case, you should choose someone who has different tastes than you and who recently purchased a different product, preferably one in which you are not interested.
  • Ask them about how they became aware of the product, what about the product interests them, how they compared the product to competing products, how they made their final decision, etc.

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