Learning Disability Study Questions

1. Outline the main barriers to educational achievement facing care-leavers in the UK. Describe to what extent current policies and strategies have addressed these inequalities.

2. Explain what you understand by the term ‘addiction’ and critically examine 3 ways in which people who live with an addiction may be excluded from society. Why may mutual aid groups be effective in helping people to recover from their addiction?

3. Discuss what is meant by the term ‘Dementia’ and critically consider 3 possible ways in which people with this label and their carers may become socially excluded in our society.  Select one example where you discuss a social inclusion strategy.

4. Offenders with mental illness are one of societies’ most ‘socially excluded’ (‘Short Changed. Spending on Prison Mental Health’. Sainsbury Centre for Mental Health, London. 2008). Discuss the multiple factors impacting on offenders with mental health problems and how society can be more inclusive with this group of people.

5. In what ways do people from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic backgrounds (BAME) experience more inequality and social exclusion than white people in the UK? Provide a justification for your response based upon two examples supported by up to date evidence.

6. Discuss the multiple factors impacting on the social exclusion of lone parent families. Provide a justification for your response based upon the existing body of evidence.

7. Discuss what is meant by the term ‘Learning Disability’ and critically consider 3 possible ways in which people with this label may become socially excluded. Select one example where you discuss a social inclusion strategy.”

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