Journal Entry

Question 1

You should write about the first story in your book “Heads of the Colored People: Four Fancy Sketches, Two Chalk Outlines, and No Apology.”

Journals are 1-2 pages double spaced.

  • Please make sure you put your name and journal number at the top of your journal entry.
  • What should be in your journal? A journal entry should contain 4 items about each piece of literature you read.
    • A brief synopsis of what the piece was about [think characters, conflict, resolution]
    • Any lines or phrases that have particular significance [think important themes, climactic moments]
    • A short explanation of what you liked or found most valuable about this section.
    • Any questions you have about the section. [Then ask those questions in your group to ensure you understand the piece better]

Question 2

Journal Entry Instructions –This is a Social Impact ongoing Activity. You will write several short Journal entries (see dates in syllabus) based on an individual with a mental health or a substance abuse problem. Informal writing in journals. You can write about a fictional person or someone you know – change names. This will be an ongoing journal assignment which involves the story about the impact of their problem as it relates to how it affects the individual, their relationships, their family, the community, and society at large. At least – 1 page required for each journal entry. Include examples. Informal writing. Parts of these entries can be incorporated into your Case Study Essay paper if you like.

Label your Journal Entry

Journal Entry #1 The Problem– Write about the individual and their problem with mental health or substance abuse. Include the symptoms and diagnosis of their problem. Due 2/4/19

Sleep wake disorder

*please avoid plagiarism and use simple words.

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