Investment Purposes

Question 1

  • Research Aldi Grocery Store and assess whether or not the organization has outstanding bonds payable or has invested in bonds from another organization. Do you support their choice to use bonds for financing or investment purposes? Why or why not? What benefits and risks do bonds present versus other forms of financing?

Include a title page and 3-5 references. Only one reference may be from the internet not (Wikipedia). Please adhere to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA), (6th ed. 2nd printing) when writing and submitting assignments and papers.

Question 2

  1. 1000-word reflection pieces that discuss how the lecture complemented or contradicted the topic readings. Did you learn something beyond the readings? What is / are the most important takeaways on this topic? A final paragraph on remaining unanswered questions / future readings / data you would like to see or potential interest from a career perspective) based on the lecturer. Please cite at least two references from the assigned weekly readings.
  • You will begin with a portfolio worth $250,000, please make an investment (s) totaling at least $25,000 in securities directly related to the lecture topic.  ETFs and mutual funds are acceptable investments.  You must provide a full description of each investment position and investment rationale.
  1. What is the dollar and percentage of  your portfolio? (portfolio trades must be completed by 4PM each Friday)
  2. How does your portfolio performance compare to the S&P performance since you made your first trade and the past week?
  3. Discuss the reasons for the differences you identified in #2.

You need to include 1) the report or spreadsheet that shows your open positions as a Table and 2) the Transaction History report.  You can hit the PrtSc button and then copy each into the Word document. 

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