Investigation Plan

Question 1

In this assignment, you assume the role of an employee of the DigiFirm Investigation Company. You must research best practices in collecting digital evidence and create an electronic presentation which highlights your findings to the CEO of DigiFirm, in which you recommend those best practices for adoption by your organization.


For this assignment, you are to:

Select a recent reputable source for Best Practices in Collecting Digital Evidence (NIST, FBI, SANS, NCJRS, etc. – cited on the reference page), analyze the source recommendations, and create PowerPoint presentation to share your findings.

Your presentation should be at least 7-8 slides in length, not including title and reference slides. Be sure your presentation adheres to the academic writing standards and APA style guidelines, citing references as appropriate.

it is strongly encouraged that you submit all assignments to the TurnItIn Originality Check.

Question 2

The CISO of the organization reaches out to you, the senior information security officer, and tasks you with creating an agency-wide security awareness program. He states that he will give you all of his support to complete this project (remember, this is the first component of security awareness program). He hands you a security gap analysis (the second component of a security awareness program) that was conducted, which shows 10 major security findings. These 10 deficiencies will serve as the foundation for developing the agency’s security awareness program (see the Case Document for more details on the gap analysis)

Based on the scenario provided in the Case Document, develop the Introduction to your Proposal. In your introduction, be sure to include the purpose of the proposal, address the security concerns of the chief executive officer (CEO), explain why the security awareness proposal will be vital to the organization, describe how the security posture will be addressed, clarify how human factors will be assessed, and list any organizational factors that will contribute to the status of the security posture.

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