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1.Andy Warhol’s Campbell’s Soup Cans and Gold Marilyn Monroe and Roy Lichtenstein’s Drowning Girlraise a rich panoply of intellectual and social issues, issues so varied that they cannot be contained within the term Pop Art. What are these issues, and what do they reveal about such stylistic labels?
2.acob Lawrence’s In the North the Negro Had Better Educational Facilities can be discussed as both a modern picture and as a conservative picture. Looking at the work stylistically and thematically, and comparing it to works such as Umberto Boccioni’s States of Mind I: Farewellsand Hannah Hoch’s Cut with the Kitchen Knife Dada Through the Last Weimer Beer Belly Cultural Epoch of Germany, make an argument defending both sides. What makes Lawrence’s work look like a backward step in the history of art? What makes the painting daring and a challenge to avant-garde concepts of what art can be?
3.Andy Warhol’s Campbell’s Soup Cans and Gold Marilyn Monroe and Roy Lichtenstein’s Drowning Girlraise a rich panoply of intellectual and social issues, issues so varied that they cannot be contained within the term Pop Art. What are these issues, and what do they reveal about such stylistic labels?
4.Unlike all of the chapters in this book from the Renaissance to the present, this chapter on the postmodern era begins with architecture, and with buildings by Robert Venturi, Michael Graves, Richard Rogers, Renzo Piano, Zaha Hadid, Frank Gehry, and others. Why? Discuss other ways to begin the chapter and the works that you would use to make your points.