Step 1: Given a file of data, read the data and parse it based on a fixed given field headers. To download the file, select the following link: Unit 4 Sample Data. Eliminate the last column (Pig-Latin) in the data file.
The file is a comma delimited file with the following record structure:
- FirstName – Character – Size (12)
- LastName – Character – Size (16)
- Company – Character – Size (32)
- Address – Character – Size (32)
- City – Character – Size (24)
- County – Character – Size (24)
- State – Character – Size (2)
- ZIP – Number – Size (5)
- Phone – Character – Size (12)
- Fax – Character – Size (12)
- Email – Character – Size (32)
- Web – Character – Size (42)
Step 2: Write a complete C# program in console mode to load the data file as a sequential file using C# System.IO library into an ArrayList data structure (using the System.Collection library) Store each line in the file as a separate record.
Step 3: After the file is loaded into the ArrayList, sort the data in ascending order based on the LastName field and Display the following fields:
- First name
- Last name
- Company
Step 4: Next, sort the data in descending order based on the ZIP field, and display the following fields:
- First name
- Last name
- Company
Step 5: Display all the records (and all its fields) for everyone that is in the state “NY.”
Step 6: Submit the source code for the solution and the output screenshots for the following list. You can use any appropriate algorithm in the solution.
- Sorted data based on last name
- Sorted data based on ZIP
- Everyone in the state of NY