Question 1
You work for an organization that just underwent a change in governance leadership. The new chair of the board of directors has no prior healthcare experience. The board and the CEO are focused on ensuring the long-term security and viability of the organization. The CEO has announced that the organization will be reviewing its strategic plan, current operations, and external factors that may influence the institution’s future. You have been designated as your department’s representative on a workgroup that will be examining these issues.
First Paper Instructions (15 Percentage Points)
For your first project, identify one important, current issue in American healthcare or concerning global health, and then follow the instructions below. This paper provides you with an opportunity to explore how current events are affecting the role of the healthcare administrator.
- Prepare an 800-1000 word research brief that (1) summarizes a news story found on Kaiser Health News within the past 30 days, then (2) discusses the implications of this news event on your future as a leader in health care.
- Incorporate at least three (3) scholarly journal articles published in the last five years into your paper and cited accordingly. In addition, you must use UMUC’s library to locate the articles and include at least one scholarly journal that provides a DOI = digital object identifier on the reference page (example: doi: 10.1108/03090560710821161).
Question 2
This assignment primarily focuses on “product failure/ flop”. Students are required to select a Brand of Product or Service.
Write about a product or service that was thought to be the “next best thing since sliced bread”, but failed.