The final feature, which is worth 200 points, is a 1,000-word trend
story or profile. You should interview at least three different people for the
story. Interview them in person so that you can make observations and use
description in your stories. Do not use Skype or e-mail. If possible, collect
statistics from reliable sources to buttress your story.
The difference between news stories and features:
“The news writer tells you the bridge fell in and how many cars fell off. The
feature writer tells you what it was like to have been there: ‘When Joe Smith
began to walk across the bridge, it began to tremble, and he grabbed the
railing’” –Jules Loh
Show people doing things.
Let them talk.
Underwrite. Let the action and the dialogue
carry the piece.
Keep the piece moving.
Good stories come from good material. Good
material comes from good reporting.
Where Do Ideas Originate?
Anyone who purchased (at my Garage Sale last
week) a small white canister with blue flowers, please call me. It contains
remains of a dearly departed family member.
Personal Experience
Observations: Noticing trends and changes
Sources: friends, physical and human sources,
acquaintances, officials
Reading: papers, magazines, books, official
Taking classes
Press Releases
Conflicts and controversies
Surfing the Internet
A good theme can always be expressed in a simple
sentence or two: “If you can’t write your idea on the back of a business card,
you don’t have a clear idea.”
You should be able to summarize your story idea
in one sentence, 25 words or less.
Use your theme to plan whom you intend to
interview, in what environment, and the questions you want to ask.
Once you have gathered your material (human and
physical sources) through interviews, observations and research, read through
your notes and write an outline, or use index cards to organize your story.
Do Not Use Wikipedia to do research for your
Final Features. In fact, as we have talked about in class, be very careful when
using the Internet. Sources such as the New York Times and .gov, .org, .edu are
more reliable than most other sources.
Use a delayed lead for the opener. This should
include a scene setter or anecdote and a nut graph. The nut graph will tell the
reader what your story is about. Ideally, your story should also have a news
peg: an event, decision or trend that makes your story timely and relevant.
Keep it simple.
Use high-quality quotes, not throw-away quotes.
Provide important and relevant background and