Ethics in Nursing

In some cases, the legal and regulatory environments of health care can seem like labyrinths of red tape that hinder more than help; however, with sufficient knowledge of health care regulation and legislation, you can acquire the tools needed to effectively navigate this labyrinth. Gaining an understanding of the legal and regulatory systems allows you to stay current with changes in the health care field and more easily and successfully advocate for new measures designed to improve the health of the public. Such understanding also assists you in understanding how to proceed when seeking changes to policy to address a specific population.

This week, you will examine regulatory principles and professional nursing standards. You will also analyze the effects of legal and regulatory processes on health care policy advocacy and implementation.

Learning Objectives

Students will:

  • Apply laws, regulations, and professional nursing standards to an ethical dilemma 
  • Analyze the effects of legal and regulatory processes on health care policy advocacy

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