Read this entire document and scoring rubric before beginning the assignment. This is a scenario-based project that will be written with in professional report style and formatting. This project is preparing you for a real world situation where you can directly apply what you have learned and practiced in the PSM program.
Foundation of the Report
This is a multi-part assignment in which you will write a comprehensive report on the scenario, create a PowerPoint presentation, draft a press release, and defend your response in the assessment center on week 14 of the course.
- Your report should include the following pages:
- Cover page
- Executive summary
- Body
- Reference page
- PowerPoint should include:
- Ten slides
- Comprehensive notes
- Press release
- Release should address allegations
- Release should include next steps
You are the chief of the department and you have been called to the office of the executive of your organization (city manager, mayor, executive board, or other), who is requesting a detailed report on an incident that occurred in your department. Time is critical on this report due to the broad media coverage in your community in which your leadership is being called into question because of the actions of your subordinates. Your report will be reviewed by legal counsel in their investigation of the situation. This is a public relations nightmare for you, your department and the city, county and/or state.
Personnel in your department have allegedly engaged in inappropriate behavior while on-duty. The story was first reported on one television news channel (this is the first time you heard of the incident), but now is being broadcasted on all network’s and newspaper outlets as the lead news story across the state. The headline of the story references the inappropriate hazing of probationary personnel that you allegedly condone as a rite of passage and culture. The media is reporting the hazing of probationary personnel has caused physical, mental and possibly sexual abuse, as evidenced by social media accounts from departmental personnel. The reports indicate that at least one lawsuit will be forthcoming. Legal counsel has scheduled interviews with personnel involved in the incident(s) and others within the department. From these interviews and your report, legal counsel will make a recommendation to the jurisdictional prosecutor to determine if criminal charges will be filed against you and your subordinates. The local union is supporting this investigation of the administrative leadership of your department.
You are to critically analyze this situation and write a detailed report on the elements listed below. You are providing a background of information about how and on what grounds your department operates and the culture that currently exists. For the purposes of this project and for ease of the report you may create a situation (with details and names) that includes all of the allegations. You will provide background information about how and on what grounds your department operates and the culture that currently exists.
Project Elements
Your report must detail your position on this situation to your leadership and legal counsel on the following elements:
- An introduction to the situation to contextualize it for the reader. This should include a short description of the alleged misconduct. (You may create the situation from past experiences).
- Provide a background on the traditional treatment of probationary personnel. What are the expectations for incumbent and probationary members?
- What legal foundations are pertinent to this situation? In addition to the legal implications, include what established policy or policies address treatment of probationary members.
- Apply specific ethical theory and moral judgment decision making points in your report.
- How will collective bargaining affect your ability to implement a plan of improvement in the treatment and training of personnel?
- What is your plan to move forward or will you resign? (For the purposes of this project, you cannot elect to resign).
- What is your plan to work on public relations in the aftermath of this story?
- What recommendations do you have to ensure this situation does not occur again? (training, policies, etc)
These elements need to be supported with proof. You should have explicit knowledge from other required courses in the PSM program in which you apply in this report. Your position on each of these elements needs to be detailed with for how, why, or under what pretense you and your department treat fellow human beings.
Project Formatting
Your report shall be a professional report written for your organizations leaders. This report is preparing you for a real world situation where you can directly apply what you have learned and practiced in the PSM program. For this project, you will be graded on your ability to format to these instructions:
- Use Times New Roman, 12-point font and 1” margins
- Left justify the text. Do not indent the paragraphs and double space between paragraphs.
- Set the line before and after spacing for 0 point and the line space for 1.0
- Use good transitions between paragraphs and/or consider headings to separate points.
- Each paragraph should have a single point of focus and be approximately seven to ten sentences in length.
- Include page numbers in the footer area at the bottom center of the page.
Things to Avoid
Here are some cautions and this to avoid:
- This is a professional project where information should be paraphrased and cited.
- Do not plagiarize
- Do not procrastinate in starting this project.
- Do not use websites such as Wikipedia,, Dictionary .com, or trade journals.
Please ask questions early if you do not understand any aspect of this project. Use the Open Forum to post general questions as your questions may help others. The real world application of this assignment will help prepare you for work related situations where you must be able to critically analyze situations, justify a position on an issue or incident, and clearly articulate competency in handling administrative duties. Submit early to demonstrate your professional approach to this assignment and prevent last minute circumstances from impacting your ability to meet the requirements and deadline.