Ethical Accountability

Assignment 1: Ethical Accountability


As organizations experience greater pressure to ensure profitability in an increasingly competitive environment, this may potentially cause decision makers to compromise their ideals in order to accomplish their goals. Additionally, as values and expectations change, organizations are expected to be better citizens in society. The notion that organizations exist to merely return a profit to their stockholder’s is fading. Stakeholders range from vendors who supply products, to customers who buy products, to communities that serve as the location of the organization. All these stakeholders have an interest in the organization’s success and therefore have a voice in what is considered ethical and appropriate organizational behavior.

From a stakeholder’s perspective, answer the following questions.


  • Should companies such as GE and Monsanto be held accountable for their past actions performed decades earlier?


  • What if the actions are illegal today because of the known effects?


  • What if those actions were legal at the time?


Explain and justify your position.


Write a one- to two-paragraph response for each point.


By Saturday, September 21, 2013, post your response directly to the appropriate Discussion Area. Through the end of the module review and comment on your classmates’ responses. Challenge the points of view presented and provide counterargument.

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