Equity Community Health


In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competency:

Apply effective strategies to a project planning initiative


Equity Community Health Center Logo

You are an outreach coordinator for the Equity Community Health Center, a primary care medical, dental, and counseling clinic in Los Angeles, California, that is committed to providing high-quality and low-cost care to patients regardless of their health insurance status or ability to pay. Equity Community Health Center has served the communities of the greater Los Angeles area since 1968 and remains committed to its mission to provide quality, patient-centered care in an effort to reduce health disparities, promote community health, and empower individuals to take an active role in their health and wellness.

You’re beginning the conception and initiation phases of Equity Community Health Center’s strategic initiatives for 2028. Prior to determining the project teams, your manager wants you to review some of the basic components of the project management life cycle to ensure that everyone in the department is in agreement about the importance of project planning. You need to create a presentation that provides a brief overview of the phases of the project management life cycle and reinforces the importance of planning to the success of a project. Prior to the second meeting, your manager has asked you to draft a project charter for one of Equity Community Health Center’s strategic initiatives for 2028. This charter will change as you and your team discuss the project in more detail, but the draft will start these conversations.

A woman pointing a marker at a piece of paper on the whiteboard in front of her during a team brainstorming session.


Part 1: Project Planning Presentation (7–10 slides with detailed speaker notes or audio narration)

Create a presentation for the department discussing the importance of project planning and introducing the phases of the project management life cycle. You must describe the purpose of each phase. Use the following questions to guide the creation of your presentation:

Explain the importance of project planning to the success of a project (2–3 slides)

What is project planning?

What should be considered during project planning?

Why is project planning important to the overall success of a project? What is the purpose of project planning?

What is accomplished during project planning?

What can be avoided by project planning?

Identify and describe the five phases of the project management life cycle (1–2 slides per phase)

What are the five phases of the project management life cycle? For each phase, consider the following questions:

What is the purpose of this phase?

What should be accomplished during this phase? Specifically, what tasks need to be completed during this phase?

What resources are required during this phase?

How does this phase move the project toward a successful completion?

Part 2: Project Charter (250–500 words)

Prior to the second meeting of the project teams, your manager would like you to draft the project charter for one of Equity Community Health Center’s strategic initiatives for 2028. This charter will change as you and your team discuss the project in more detail, but the initial charter will start those conversations. For the time being, you will not plan the budget or provide a detailed schedule. Your project charter should:

Summarize the background of the project

What are the reasons for the project?

What are the issues, problems, or opportunities that the project is addressing?

Outline the project scope

At a high level, what is the result of the project? What are the attributes of the end product?

What are the boundaries of the project?

What is the project team responsible for doing?

What actions will the project team take?

What actions won’t the project team take?

What is the general timeline (start and completion dates)?

Describe the project objectives

What are the project objectives? What will the project achieve or accomplish?

How will the project team demonstrate that they have met the established objectives?

Identify and describe stakeholders and project team roles

Who will be affected by your project?

What are the needs and expectations of each stakeholder?

Who will participate in the project as a member of the project team?

How will each member contribute to the project?

Discuss the assumptions, constraints, risks, and dependencies of the project

What are the possible risks? Who can provide a solution?

What are the internal and external factors that dictate aspects of the project?

What conditions or situations does the project team depend on to achieve the project objectives?

What impediments could prevent the team from delivering the project?

What must happen before the project objectives can be reached?

What to Submit

Every project has a deliverable or deliverables, which are the files that must be submitted before your project can be assessed. For this project, you must submit the following:

Project Management Presentation

Create a 7- to 10-slide presentation (with detailed speaker notes or audio narration) that describes the importance of project planning to the project’s outcome and introduces the five phases of the project management life cycle.

Project Charter

Draft an approximately 250- to 500-word project charter for one of Equity Community Health Center’s strategic initiatives for 2028 located in the Supporting Materials section. You should briefly explain the background, project scope, objectives, stakeholders, team roles, assumptions, constraints, risks, and dependencies.

A man with his hands clasped sharing while others listen during a support group session.

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