Environmental Justice

Question 1
Environmental justice ensures that all communities are treated fairly and are meaningfully involved in environmental-based decisions, such as where to build a new sanitary landfill, hazardous waste repository, industrial plant, or any other such site that could create an environmental hazard for those who live in the area.

Describe a time when environmental injustice occurred. This can include any current or past events where the community was not fairly and meaningfully involved in the decision-making process.

Who is or was negatively affected? What negative health effects could or did the community experience? What other social factors compound the negative health outcomes of the community?

150 Words


Question 2

What are the different formats? What do they mean? Find the latitude and longitude expressed in both notation systems for four locations of your choosing. One should be north of the equator and east of the Prime Meridian, one north of the equator and west of the prime meridian, one south and west, one south and east). Zoom in and out in the map and find locations (either randomly or based on your curiosity), anything you find interesting and report that location’s coordinates.

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