Employee Protections

Question 1

In this assignment you have the opportunity to look at employee voice and protections and restraints on that voice.

Prepare a PowerPoint presentation (10-12 slides, not counting the cover slide or the references slide). Your presentation should include at least two of the following: tables, charts, pictures, drawings, or other visuals. (For example, you may want to include two tables, or one table and a pie chart.) These visuals should provide important information to significantly enhance your presentation.

Be sure to explain the visuals to your audience. The presentation is being conducted on the shop floor and is being specifically directed to first-line supervisors and must stipulate what employees can and cannot openly say about their coworkers, supervisors, and employer. Cover how the term “protected concerted activities” affects workplaces

Question 2

Certain levels of stress can have a negative effect on job performance. Learning about how to handle stress can be useful for applying to your current and/or future jobs.

  • With regard to positive leadership, describe how leaders can use trust and mentoring to alleviate stress on the job for their employees.

Select a leader or person you admire and find out how they handle stress in their position.

  • Share what you find out about how they handle stress. Why would this be important in their job as leader? Explain.
  • Do you also use this method or strategy? If so explain, if not provide an alternative set of strategies.

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