Draft Research Paper

Question description

My topic is FOOD. I need you give me the draft paper before 10:00pm today, because I did not work well, so my ta said me I can rewrite my research question, so you need to think a research question about food before you start draft paper. if you are ok, you can help me write final paper(due on nov.25). And this course is sustainability 100, this is my writing requirement course.

6. Research Paper (25% total) 3 components as noted below
Each tutorial section is assigned a broad topic, and each student will develop a specific research question related to that topic. Your question should be one that has an answer that can be justified with academic evidence and that requires literature research by you to develop a complete answer. You will work on the steps of your Research Paper over several tutorial sessions. The final paper will be 7 – 8 pages long, double-spaced, containing 1700-2000 words of body text. You must refer to a minimum of 7 sources for your paper, including a minimum of 4 peer-reviewed academic sources (books or scholarly journal articles). Citations are required in APA style. You are required to include one graph and one image that are both clearly relevant to your research; you must refer to these in your body text. Captions and image sources are required for images. The Research Paper will be marked with equal weight given to three elements: i) research (depth and breadth of appropriate academic sources, selection and use of evidence); ii) analysis (the clarity, originality and sophistication of argument); and iii) writing style and structure.

a) Research Paper Outline and Evidence (5%) due on Brightspace


  • Ø You are to use your own words whenever possible
  • Ø Direct quotations from sources must be indicated with quotation marks and correct citations (APA style)
  • Ø Ideas from sources also require citations (APA style)

Outline and evidence for your research paper following the format template provided in Tutorial 4. Successful completion of this assignment requires that you have gathered, read, and analysed your sources, and planned the structure of your paper.

b) Draft Research Paper (10%) due on Brightspace
The Draft Research Paper is a full draft text of your paper, in paragraph form, with in-text citations and a reference list. It is not a “first draft” or “rough draft” – we expect your best effort at a complete paper. It will be assessed using the same rubric as the final paper. It is submitted on Brightspace; grading and feedback from your TA will be posted on Brightspace.

c) Final Research Paper (10%) due on Brightspace

The Final Research Paper will incorporate further development of your Draft Research paper, based on advice from your TA and the writing TA and focused work in Tutorial 8. Grading will reflect the expectation of further development; a Final Research paper that is unchanged from the Draft Research paper will receive a lower grade.

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