Dominant Cultures

Weekly Discussions: Each part must be at least 250 words. Clearly label each part and list references.

Part 1: Description and Analysis of the   Hawthorne Study

Describe how the components of the Hawthorne study are incorporated in current human resource functions. What was the main idea behind this study? How have you been impacted by the components of this study in your current or past work setting? 

Part 2: Dominate   Cultures and Subcultures

Contrast the dynamics between dominant cultures and subcultures either in a work setting or in society. Explain why it is important to understand the impact of culture. Give an example where you demonstrated your awareness and or openness to understanding a cultural difference. Explain how these differences underscore the need for understanding diversity. From the information given, develop guidelines for embracing diversity.

Required Resource


Baack, D. (2017). Organizational behavior (2nd ed.).

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