Assessment Overview
The assessment for Principles of DSP is to produce a four page written report. The report must be in the format of an IEEE Transactions journal article, and follow IEEE guidelines. Details of the report content are given below. The weighting for this report is 100% of the module mark. A breakdown of marks is given in the mark sheet at the end of this document.
Summary of Report Content
The subject of the report is the design and use of FIR filters. In summary it should contain the following:
- An introduction to and description of the window method for FIR filter design.
- An FIR filter design exercise in MATLAB, illustrated using one or more MATLAB figures.
- Results from applying the FIR filter to an electroencephalographic (EEG) signal to remove a 50 Hz line component from the signal, illustrated using one or more MATLAB figures.
- A summary of key points, and a brief discussion of other application areas for FIR filters.
Detailed Description of Report Content and Structure
This section gives a detailed description of the report contents. Your report should include all the following:
- Abstract – A paragraph of no more than 100 words summarising the report.
- Introduction – An introduction describing the report structure, covering digital filters and their design.
- FIR filter design – This section should contain a description of the window method for FIR filter design. The description should include background and relevant equations. This section should also include a practical design exercise undertaken in MATLAB. You should design a linear phase low-pass FIR filter with a cut-off frequency of fc = 45 Hz, for a sequence with sampling interval Δt = 0.001s (1 ms). The filter length should be M = 31 points and the Hamming window should be used. Illustrate the impulse response of the filter using a MATLAB figure. Calculate the frequency response using the DTFT and illustrate the frequency response up to 200 Hz using a MATLAB figure labelled using frequency in Hz. Include the MATLAB code used to generate the filter, the impulse and frequency responses and plots of these as a code snippet. This section should be self-contained, it is not enough to refer to lecture notes or other published work. The MATLAB design should be done from first principles without use of any toolboxes.
- Application of FIR filter to EEG data – You should apply the low-pass FIR filter designed in section III to the EEG recording supplied as part of the assessment. Explain how the filter can be applied in MATLAB and include a code snippet to illustrate this. Include a MATLAB figure of the filtered EEG signal. Discuss the changes observed in the EEG signal before and after filtering and comment on the effectiveness of the filter in removing the 50 Hz line component from the EEG.
- Discussion – This section should summarise the key points and highlight other applications areas for FIR filters in DSP, commenting on the advantages and disadvantages of this type of filter.
- References – You should include a list of any external sources used for your report. Make sure citations are complete. An extensive reference list is not expected. References should be within the 4 page limit.
EEG data for application of FIR filter
The EEG data can be obtained in MATLAB as a .mat file from the course wiki:
Information about using and obtaining MATLAB is available from IT-services:
Report Layout
Your report should not exceed 4 pages – this is an absolute limit. Reports longer than 4 pages WILL be penalized. Your report should be in IEEE style two column format and follow the style of presentation used in IEEE publications. Information about this format is available at: The best way to achieve this formatting is to use the Word or LaTeX templates available from the IEEE template selector: In the template selector please select: Transactions → Transactions on
Signal Processing. Copies of the templates are also on the course wiki.
For examples of presenting DSP work using this format, see the proceedings for the IEEE Statistical Signal Processing Workshop. Note that these allow 1 extra page for references, you should include any references within the 4 page limit. These proceedings are available through IEEE Xplore at:
Important Information
Supporting information is available on the wiki: |
The report is an individual report: You should work independently on your report. All information in the report, text, diagrams and images which are not your own work must be clearly and appropriately attributed. Make sure you are familiar with the departmental guidelines on report writing and academic integrity, particularly the sections on plagiarism.
Please remember your report should be submitted anonymously for marking:
- Put your examination number on each page. Use the “Paper Identification Number” in the header.
- DO NOT put your name, any author affiliations or any author biography in the report. The deadline is on page 1 of this document.
Department of Electronic Engineering
Principles of DSP (ELE00055H): |
Individual Report, Mark Sheet
Category | Marks | Comments |
Abstract A paragraph of up to 100 words that clearly summarizes the report contents | 5 | |
Introduction Introduction to the report including digital filters, motivation for their use and an introduction to their design. | 10 | |
FIR design exercise – definitions Clear description of window method for FIR filter design. Uses relevant mathematical notation and equations. Demonstrates understanding of the definition and key features of the window method. | 15 | |
FIR design exercise – MATLAB and plotting FIR design exercise completed in MATLAB. Includes MATLAB code snippet to generate impulse and frequency responses and plots of these. Axes correctly labelled. | 15 | |
Application of FIR filter to EEG data Application of the low-pass FIR filter to the supplied EEG signal. Includes code snippet to filter the signal, and plot results. Discussion of changes in EEG following filtering. | 15 | |
Use of Theory Use of theory throughout the report to inform the presentation. | 10 | |
Discussion/Conclusion – Key findings Summary of main findings. Indication of other application areas for FIR filters, discussion of their advantages and disadvantages. | 10 |
Report – Layout & Presentation Report follows IEEE format and style guidelines within the 4 page limit. | 5 | |
Report – Cohesion Is the article clearly written? Are concepts and results clearly presented within the 4 page limit? Is the discussion relevant, are the conclusions sound? | 15 |