Creation Theory

Question 1:
Explain the creation theory by describing TWO (2) myths from any religious teachings.   (40 marks)

Question 2:
Discuss ONE (1) indigenous group in Africa and ONE (1) pribumi native group in Malaysia regarding the three primal traditions:
i. Basic terminologies and rites
ii. A sacred time and sacred place
iii. The Shaman, rituals and magic
(60 marks)

Question 3

  1. Draw up twelve different outcomes on the different Bloom levels using twelve different verbs. Use the revised Bloom’s taxonomy by Anderson and Krathwohl. (24)
  2. Draw up two multiple choice, two completion, two true and false, one matching and one essay question in one of your subjects. Apply the guidelines for constructing different items. (16)
  3. Draw up a blueprint for these items, showing how much each of them will count. (10)
  4. Explain how you will apply weighting in your subject taking formative and summative assessment into account. (4)
  5. Explain how you will give effective feedback to students after assessment. (6)

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