Course Project Budget Proposal Template

1.0 Executive Summary


The first paragraph of this executive summary should give a brief description of the business to which this budget applies.Very briefly describe the products and services of this company, the geographical or demographics of the customers it serves, and why people purchase the main product of this business.  Much or all of this will be found in the Business Profile provided to you.  Please use your own words, and please do not simply copy and paste the explanation in the course materials.  Make assumptions if necessary.

Also, provide a second paragraph which describe show the budget supports the company’s strategy.

Finally, provide a third paragraph where you summarize the key points from your budget, including the planning horizon, the amount of up-front investment, the NPV, Payback and IRR of the project, as well as key figures from your income statement, cash flow statement, and balance sheet.

Remember, this is not a thesis or introduction of what you will talk about – it contains the major, specific content of each section.  The second and third paragraph should be written after you have completed all other sections of this template.

As you complete sections of this template, please remove all italicized text in all sections of this template and replace it with your own or you will lose points!

2.0 Sales Forecast


Briefly introduce the sales forecast section.

2.1 Sales Forecast

Here you should include a simple table showing the years and the total sales for each year, along with a brief explanation of why sales are expected to rise, fall, change, or stay the same in certain years.  Provide a brief explanation of the sales forecast, indicating why you expect sales to rise or fall during the planning horizon.   Your explanation should be consistent with the trends and changes in sales found in your table:

  Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5


2.2Methods and Assumptions

Here you should describe how you arrived at your sales forecast in section 2.1.   You should also provide any detailed calculations that led you to the sales forecast values.  You should also summarize any research or figures that led you to make this sales forecast.


3.0 Capital Expenditure Budget


Here you should provide a screenshot of your capital expenditure budget, also listing the sources of data and assumptions that led to each line item in table format.  Briefly describe the total investment and, if necessary, why major items are necessary to achieve the company’s strategy.


4.0 Investment Analysis

Briefly describe the NVP, IRR,  accounting rate of return, and payback period for this analysis.  Indicate the discount rate you used, and how you arrived at it.

4.1Cash flows

Provide an excel spreadsheet screenshot that shows how you arrive at the net cashflows for each period in your planning horizon and describe its highlights.4.2NPV Analysis

Provide a screen shot of your Excel NPV Analysis here, and describe its highlights.4.3Rate of Return

Provide a screen shot of your IRR and Accounting Rate of Return calculations here, and explain the highlights.

4.4Payback Period

Provide a screen shot of your Excel calculation of the payback period for this venture.

5.0 Pro-Forma Financial Statements

Briefly introduce this section here.

5.1 Pro-Forma Income Statement

Describe key figures and assumptions from the income statement, such as important profit or sales figures and their causes.  Also, provide a screen shot of your pro-forma income statement.5.2Pro-Forma Cash Flow Statement

Provide a screen shot of the cash flow statement and describe the impact of the budget on cash balances.

 5.3Pro-Forma Balance Sheets
Provide a screen shot of your balance sheets, and describe key figures they contain.

6.0 Works Cited


List any sources you cited in the body of your report.

7.0  Appendices


NOTE: Start this section at the top of a new page.

This section of the budget proposal is where you’ll attach all of the supporting materials that you’ve referenced in the preparation of your plan, and that is too detailed or extensive to be included in the body of the report.  Use this page to separate the appendices from the text in the body of your report. Make certain that you update the table of contents to include the title of each exhibit in the appendix and its page number.

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